自1999年以来,D.C. 酒吧 公益性服务 Center has operated the 非营利组织 Legal Assistance Program to provide legal assistance to the District of Columbia’s community-based nonprofits.
的 非营利组织 Legal Service Assistance Program provides the following services:
- 非营利组织 Matches for On-Going Legal Projects. We match community-based nonprofits with pro bono legal counsel that assist with on-going legal projects in areas such as 就业法, 房地产, 公司治理, 合同评审, 知识产权, and obtaining tax-exempt status.
- 非营利性法律诊所. We offer brief consultations where nonprofits meet one-on-one with attorney volunteers to get a general assessment of how well their nonprofit is complying with a specific legal area such as governance, 入职培训的员工, 保险, and 知识产权. 的 事件日历 is updated as these clinics are announced.
- 非牟利机构办公时间. 的se weekly brief advice consultations are hosted over Zoom and allow nonprofits to meet one-on-one with a 公益性服务 Center staff attorney who specializes in nonprofit law. 的se consultations are about 20-30 minutes long and are best for short legal questions.
- 非营利组织培训. We conduct training sessions with government agencies and law firms to educate nonprofits on important and timely legal issues such as board duties , 就业法, 非营利性监管. 的 事件日历 is updated as these sessions are announced. View recordings of past webinars in our 联机归档.
- 非营利组织 法律资源. 我们提供免费导游, 法例修订须知, a trainings archive and other useful legal information on our online resource center, 通过 LawHelp网站.
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